There is nothing like receiving a message like that.
Further Feedback:
Finally made it through selection. This training plan fully prepared me for the trials that I faced there. My rucks I was able to finish in the top 25% and I finished my runs in the top 50%. With Team week this program gave me the grip strength and endurance to keep a level head and focus on the problem sets that I had in front of me. During long rucks I was able to continue to move at a solid pace and not feel like I was overreaching. I can honestly say that this program builds an engine like no other and I felt like I could’ve gone for more weeks with the same amount of physical stress and still feel strong! I recommend this to anyone that is willing to put in the work to go to selection.
-Successful Candidate
I am so proud of that individual, and credit goes to him for the grit, determination, and willingness to put the time in to prepare and achieve his goals. For this particular hero his start date changed so he ran through the entire program…again…while just changing up some of the movements. He didn’t get frustrated...he just kept preparing.
With that kind of tenacity I had no doubt I would receive that early morning text above.
Note: If you’re truly interested in the more detailed “whys” please check out the book, Answering The Call: Proper Physical Fitness Training for Police and Military in the 21st Century
Our 16 week SOF Preparation training plan is broken down into 4 phases:
Phase 1: Foundational (Strength and Aerobic Capacity)
Total body Strength Sessions
Work capacity Sessions
Zone 2 Focus for generic conditioning and Maffetone Method for Runs
HICT Step Ups (Foundation before we start rucking).
Phase 2: Aerobic Capacity (Higher Volume), Threshold, PT Test Practice/Improvement
PT test performance.
Whatever your PT Test is, we test it this phase.
Threshold method.
Rucking- Building Time on our Feet
You need to get comfortable with wearing a ruck. Your rucksack will be your new friend.
Phase 3: Test Simulation, Ruck and Work Capacity
Anaerobic threshold (Longer Intervals)
Test12 miler
Higher work capacity volume
Lower volume rucks, but with harder paces.
Phase 4: Lower Volume, Higher Intensity, PT and Ruck Focus
We aren’t going to get in the specifics here. Understand at this point you’ve built a base of strength and aerobic capacity. This month we tie it all together and keep things very specific before you head off on your adventure. You did all the work already, now you need to demonstrate it, focus your mind, and understand that at least physically…you’re ready.
This program is designed for people who a good friend of mine referred to as searchers (note: the movie Point Break was popular in his time). People who who are always looking to push a little farther, risk failure, but at the end know that the regret of not trying would be more devastating than sitting back in static comfort.
Don’t be afraid to take calculated risk...just prepare before you do. Regardless of whether it is something like what this individual accomplished, or if you’re going out for your SWAT Team. Don’t hit 20 years and regret that you didn’t try.