SOF Selection Break Down

SOF Selection Break Down

Our selection programs are designed to put you on auto pilot for your preparation for whatever your next “job interview” is. Below is a simplified break down of some of the methods we use in our training, and what you can expect if you decide to trust us with your preparation with the either the 16 week SOF Preparation training plan or the 8 Week SWAT selection plan.


If you’re truly interested in the more detailed “whys” please check out the book, Answering The Call: Proper Physical Fitness Training for Police and Military in the 21st Century


4 Phases of our 16 Week SOF Preparation Plan:


Phase 1: Foundational (Strength and Aerobic Capacity)

Total body Strength Sessions


These are predominately designed as “strength circuits.” This DOES NOT mean a traditional superset or complex where you move as fast as possible between exercises. Think of this as moving from compound movement to compound movement at a brisk pace, but not so fast your performance suffers. This will provide a conditioning stimulus, as well as stimulate your nervous system for strength development. Remember, we aren’t training you to head to a powerlifting meet. We are training to get you strong “enough” while developing a massive aerobic engine.


Work capacity


This will be in the form of either body weight movements or light KB movements. None of this work should be anywhere near failure. Meaning, lots of sets of anywhere between 5-15 reps throughout the day. Some of these can be incorporated into your warm up, between sets, etc. Again, we’re building your engine for you to perform over weeks, not hours.  To do that you need to add work, and this can’t always be in the form of high intensity intervals.  We often use quality movements to not only enhance your work capacity, but also help you move better.


Zone 2


This will be aerobic training with your heart rate in the 115-145 bpm range. Or a pace you could maintain while breathing exclusively through your nose.


HICT Step Ups (Foundation before we start rucking)


We stay low impact right now. Here we have you hold a light weight, wear a weight vest, ruck, etc and complete step ups for timed sets. Heart rate should be around 150 bpm in this phase.


Maffetone Method


We are still building a huge base here. This can be incredibly aggravating, but these are essentially zone 2 runs. Many people struggle at first, and it ends up being a lot of running and walking. That is time these will turn into regular paced runs as you learn to control your breathing and develop your aerobic capacity.


Phase 2: Aerobic Capacity (Higher Volume), Threshold, PT Test Practice/Improvement


PT test performance


Whatever your PT Test is, we test it this phase.


Threshold method


Now that you built your aerobic capacity in the first month we start to use higher intensity methods. Here we start to push your ability to stay aerobic for longer periods.


Rucking- Building Time on our Feet


You need to get comfortable with wearing a ruck. Your rucksack will be your new friend.


Phase 3: Test Simulation, Ruck and Work Capacity


We start to focus a bit more on test performance and more time on your feet. We continue adding volume. You will need it.



Anaerobic threshold (Longer Intervals)

 No different than above, but now we start pushing more- slightly higher heart rates and longer intervals.

Test 12 miler


Many schools use this as a gate to continue forward, so we work it into the plan.



Higher work capacity volume


No different than above, just more.



Lower volume rucks, but with harder paces.


We can’t keep going forever on the volume or we risk injury and burnout. Here we dip the volume a bit and really have you push the pace.


Phase 4: Lower Volume, Higher Intensity, PT and Ruck Focus


We aren’t going to get into the specifics here. Understand at this point you’ve built a base of strength and aerobic capacity. This month we tie it all together and keep things very specific before you head off on your adventure. You did all the work already, now you need to demonstrate it, focus your mind, and understand that physically, you’re ready.





This program is no joke. If you made it this far reading you are truly serious about your preparation. I provided this breakdown to ensure that before purchasing either our 8 Week SWAT selection or our 16 week SOF Preparation, you had at least general understanding of what you were signing up for.


I also wanted you to see the time and thought put into these programs. Within it are years of experience and lessons learned. Regardless of what program you choose, please...don’t start late. This isn’t something to rush. If you signed up for one of these adventures start your physical and mental preparation early.


As stated before...don’t build this up too much...many have been successful before you. Just take it seriously and prepare.


Control what you can, let go of what you can’t, and don’t quit.


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